Soooo… WCOOP kicked my ass!
Due to the fact that GG are no longer allowing results to be shown through Sharkscope, and that I sold a lot of action in my highest buy-ins, it is difficult to come to full and accurate conclusions across all my sites but it was a horrendous month in terms of $ results. I had a few close calls but mostly we just donated to the pool.
With it being WCOOP, OSS and WSOP Online, we played a little higher than usual this month, pushing our ABI to $30. We played all the 109s and below on PS and some of the best $215s available with results being rather lack luster. As is standard for me now, I played my usual 3 sessions per week and played around 519 tournaments in September, largely 10 tabling but reaching 12 at peak times.
Although $ results were poor, we maintained a 9bb/100 winrate which I think is reasonable although as usual the sample size caveat should always be stipulated so we will continue to monitor how we do as we build a more reasonable sample size but it is going in the right direction.
I studied less than I wanted to which is disappointing, mostly because of a hectic life outside of poker but there were also opportunities that I could have studied more that I should have taken. I likely averaged an hour a day including the pre-session warmups. I need to improve and build better routines around this if I want to get to where I want to.
No seminars this month. I picked a few recorded ones mainly on the topic of ICM which I re-watched to get a bit sharper on late stage ranges. Outside of this, a lot of my studying this month was on my own with a handful of sessions with others. My main focus was reviewing hands and Pre-Flop drill work but I also worked on late stage ICM with Wizard and HRC.
I’m always trying to surround myself with people who have similar ambitions with poker so feel free to message me on Discord if you want to give studying together a go.
Looking Ahead
We have 1 day left of WCOOP as I write this so I’m looking forward to concluding this series in what I hope is a successful finish.
It is likely that the first two weeks of October will be spent away from the tables, some studying of course but I’m taking some time with the family away from home.
After my holiday I’d like to focus on game selection next month and reduce my output. It is inevitable that when 12 tabling I will miss some spots but from reviewing there are still things I miss in game that shouldn’t be happening. I think this is the way to go for better long term prospects. Quality over quantity, it is a balance for sure though. While also reducing output I will almost certainly be reducing ABI for a little bit to gain some confidence and start building up the bank roll to more reasonable levels.
Work Station
I thought I’d share what is admittedly a tidied version of my set up for playing/studying.
I bought a new chair this month which is saving my back, I previously had a secret lab which wasn’t really cutting it for me so I decided to invest in an Aeron considering the long periods I spend here!
Bottom left is for playing, bottom right is for lobbies and then the top left is usually a combo of PT4/Jurojin/Spotify/table overflow.
I should probably start using the stand feature on the desk…